The Kickstarter campaign is going so strongly that I think I’m changing its name to the Bramble Box project. I failed to raise the requisite funding in Kickstarter, but I have invested enough money and time into the creation of the equipment that it doesn’t make sense to stop when all that remains is the creation of a repeatable process to create and sell the kits.
Notionovus has moved into office space at:

The address is spoofed because I don’t want web crawlers picking it up and sending me catalogs for “realistic” designer handbags, business print mail marketing brochures, or whatever else passes for spam in the snail mail universe.
I have found a new favorite toy. SketchUp is 3-D modeling software for people on a budget (like yours truly). I think I’ll be using it to quickly generate graphics for blog posts, so you may see some of my artwork adorning the notionovus weblog.

I believe in communication. You might say that I’m down right religious about it. Which doesn’t mean I’m good at it. What I mean to say is that I treat communication like a religion. I have the ultimate faith that it is the most important thing in the world, I think about it regularly, and I talk about it to anyone who will listen. However, I just don’t practice it as often and well as I should.
Take this web log for instance. I am dusting off the cobwebs here to make room for new content, but it has been neglected for over four months. I am ashamed. I need to do a much better job. I know better than to let my content get away from me like that. Now, please excuse me while I atone for my transgressions.
Until next time, thanks for tuning in.